Happy New Year! Now behave yourselves.

Happy New Year from Bugle Enterprises! Our executive staff celebrated the arrival of the new year in a 767, high above the Atlantic Ocean. ..

Bakker Bugle B&B booked to the brim

We announce, with both pride and sadness, that the Bakker Bugle B&B is fully booked through the end of its presence in Ireland. ..

To a new country, to find new adventures

The staff had some fun on the first of this month, but our move to Luxembourg is no April Fool.
My work will take us from Dublin to Luxembourg City later this year. ..

Bugle to move corporate HQ

DUBLIN, 1 April 2009 — The Bakker Bugle, an Irish B&B and internet services company, said today that it would relocate its corporate headquarters to Luxembourg.

This Week in the Tumblr

Alert readers have noticed the regular updates to this blog’s sidebar: daily photos, news stories from Ireland and all over the world, and other items of general interest. ..

Hating and Haters: A Conversation

As the steward of this blog, I unilaterally decided to draw attention to an ongoing discussion about international enmity that’s occupied the comments for a few old posts. ..

The Caption Contest Rules

The Bakker Bugle is proud to announce another contest for its beloved readers!

BuglePointsâ„¢ for your captions!

Bit of Business: Bugle Tumblr

Hi there, Bugle readers!
For a long time, I’ve wanted an easy way to share tidbits of text, web links, and photos with you. ..

Coming soon: foto di Roma

Anita and I spent all last week in Rome — on vacation no less! There will be lots of photos on Flickr soon.

Visual Aids are neat!

The stories of the Bugle P.I. are getting complicated, and the long periods between posts do not help the situation of the poor reader of the blog. ..