Bakker Bugle B&B booked to the brim

We announce, with both pride and sadness, that the Bakker Bugle B&B is fully booked through the end of its presence in Ireland. We will begin taking bookings for our new location in mid-summer 2009.

Here are two photos of the new location:

New digs 1

New digs 2

The building is under construction, so there’s not much more to show. For geographiliacs, it is in the Belair neighbourhood of Luxembourg City, not far from Parc du Merl.

Until the Bakker Bugle B&B re-opens on the Continent, whet your appetite at the outstanding Luxembourg City Tourist Office. Be sure to take a look at few of their gorgeous pamphlets and leaflets.

4 Comments to “Bakker Bugle B&B booked to the brim”

  1. Anonymous said...
    4 May 2009

    How about answering an e-mail instead of posting on the Bugle or on Facebook?

  2. Sharon said...
    12 May 2009

    when abouts is the big move? I may need to book for late 2010 or early 2011

  3. Sharon said...
    12 May 2009

    also luxembourg is close to my motherland!!! I must go.

  4. Will said...
    13 May 2009

    The big move is about a month away!