For two beautiful weeks I was caught up on blogging…. two beautiful weeks. As the end of the year looms, I hope to get the last two posts completed before we say goodbye to 2015. ..
Random Happenings 11
Posted by on December 31st, 2015 in belgium, cycling, france, luxembourg and travelRandom Happenings 10
Posted by on October 19th, 2015 in cycling, germany and luxembourgIn theory, July and August were supposed to be quiet months. We were supposed to have time to recover from the busy first half of the year, plus catch up on some of our outstanding chores. ..
Random Happenings 9 – Part 2
Posted by on October 13th, 2015 in cycling, europe, luxembourg, travel and videoJune found us missing our friends but pushing ahead with the normal fun things that we like to do in Luxembourg. ..
Random Happenings 9 – Part 1
Posted by on September 21st, 2015 in belgium, europe, luxembourg, mental state and travelI have found this a difficult post to write. May was a busy and emotional month for me. I believe I have put off writing about it because I haven’t fully processed the changes. ..
Random Happenings 8
Posted by on June 19th, 2015 in belgium, cycling, germany, luxembourg, mental state and travel[Anita’s note: I wrote this blog post on the last day of April with the intention of inserting the photos and publishing in the first few days of May. Then…. May happened. ..
Random Happenings 7
Posted by on March 22nd, 2015 in luxembourgEditor’s note: Anita went rogue this morning and had a terrible time publishing before she was ready. The Management apologies for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
Welcome to 2015! ..
Random Happenings 6
Posted by on January 12th, 2015 in cycling, germany, luxembourg, netherlands, photos, travel, usa and videoWhile writing has never been a pleasure for me, I have enjoyed creating these Random Happenings posts. I hope those reading at home have also enjoyed hearing a bit about our routine life in 2014. ..
Random Happenings 5
Posted by on November 7th, 2014 in luxembourgSeptember and October were packed with many events. Some of those events deserve their own blog post. I will highlight them here, but I plan more detailed blog posts in the future.
Random Happenings 4
Posted by on September 5th, 2014 in cycling, europe, luxembourg and travelWriting up the July-August blog post, I cannot comprehend where the last nine weeks went. The heat of summer has left Luxembourg and we are heading quickly into fall. ..
Random Happenings 3
Posted by on July 10th, 2014 in luxembourgInitially, when I decided to do these “Random Happenings†posts in February, I thought that writing one catch-up post at the end of two months would be easy. ..