Random Happenings 6

While writing has never been a pleasure for me, I have enjoyed creating these Random Happenings posts. I hope those reading at home have also enjoyed hearing a bit about our routine life in 2014. ..

SOPA/PIPA blackout today

We shy away from politics here at the Bugle Blog, although our editors are quite politically active. ..

Oh, American Press, bless your heart

The US State Department released a broad travel advisory for Europe on Sunday. It cautioned Americans who are traveling to Europe to be extra vigilant. ..

Census Sadness

Both of us read a lot of US news, even while following the local Luxembourg headlines. ..

Sneak Peek: Comparative Timeline

The Bugle staff have been working on an exciting new project that will give you a new way of looking at the world.

My husband gave me the world for Christmas (twice)

Two years ago, one of my Christmas presents from Will was a globe. ..

Preview: How big is Luxembourg?

The most enduring attraction of this blog appears to be one of our early posts, the one about the size of Ireland. (I suspect that it is particularly popular with young students looking to borrow some ideas for a school report.)
The Bugle staff are working on a sequel to that post, with the working title, Luxembourg: Put It in Your Pocket and Take It with You. ..

White House Diplomacy and the American Idea

No, this isn’t a very late endorsement for Barack Obama. (Will and Anita made personal endorsements during the 2008 campaign. ..

Friday’s Inauguration

I know, I know, the title is a weaker pun than even Bugle readers should expect.
We partied with friends at TGI Friday’s on St Stephen’s Green. ..

One request regarding Blago

Our Illinois friends and family asked us: “Did you hear about the Governor?” The short answer is “Yes.” I’d like your help in getting the long answer just right.