My husband gave me the world for Christmas (twice)

Two years ago, one of my Christmas presents from Will was a globe. ..

How It’s Renovated: The Rough Cuts

Everybody loves time-lapse movies!

A townhome across from Bugle HQ has been under renovation since we moved here. In fact, every third residence in Luxembourg-Ville seems to be under renovation. ..

Lux News ALERT: black panther sightings

The big news from Luxembourg this week is the rash of black panther sightings.

National Day is almost here

Tuesday is Luxembourg’s National Day, the official birthday of the Grand Duke of Luxembourg, and a very important holiday (official program in French). We arrived just in time! ..

Dracula in Dublin

I am all in a sea of wonders. I doubt; I fear; I think strange things, which I dare not confess to my own soul. ..

Multi-phasic media promotion

It seems that the movie promotions industry has become ever more sophisticated in their cross-product campaigns. ..

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

In just moments, we’ll have a fine Irish breakfast on our way to the big parade. We’ve been in the spirit of things since Sunday, when we went to Big Day Out. ..

St Patrick’s Anticipation

On last year’s Saint Patrick’s Day, we watched part of the parade. …With the cold weather, most of the Irish colour last year came from fantastic hats. The rest of the year, one rarely sees these outside of tourist souvenir shops. …The Marching Illini appeared before us in all their glory. For your pleasure, a very badly shot movie of the moment is available on YouTube.

Donegal: first us, now the Rally

Last weekend, we toured the Donegal region of Ireland, the northwest corner of Ireland. (Highlighted in blue here; thanks to the creators on the Wikimedia Commons.)
It was quiet in Donegal; some B&Bs and a few tourist sites were closed until late spring. ..

Friday’s Inauguration

I know, I know, the title is a weaker pun than even Bugle readers should expect.
We partied with friends at TGI Friday’s on St Stephen’s Green. ..