More and More Daylight

It feels like the days here are much longer, already. There’s a reason for that, because during this time of year, the amount of daytime hours is increasing most rapidly. ..

Crisis of Conscience

Happy New Year

Last month, Anita and I spent several days in the American Midwest. ..

Holiday Traditions, Observed

We Bakkers have pride in our willingness to immerse ourselves in new cultures. ..

Settled In

I’ve noticed over the past few weeks that we have settled into our lives here in Dublin. ..

Back in the R.O.I.

We’re back home after a great trip to London. Here are a few snapshots of my mental states to give you an idea. You can expect more in the new few days.

Walking around…

As Sharon mentioned in the comments, we are walking a lot more since we moved to Dublin. Will is walking many kilometers every day because it is his major form of transportation. ..

Saturday, summarized.

“Annita P” is an anagram of “anti-nap”.
I’m just sayin’.

I hate IE more than the British

Permit me a rant. For more than two hours this morning, I worked on a “Recent Comments” section for the BB Blog’s sidebar. I tweaked settings and code and got it looking very nice. ..

My Secret Shame

I wouldn’t say that I’m a coffee snob. Still, several years ago, I switched from a drip coffeemaker to a french press and I frequently ground whole coffee beans. ..