Random Happenings

[Editor’s note: in an effort to get back into more frequent blogging, we are experimenting with some “daily life” posts. In theory, these will be short, wrap-up posts at the end of every other month. The posts will highlight some of the interesting (or not so interesting) parts of daily life in Luxembourg]

After our “triumph” at the Ronde van Vlaanderen the rest of January settled into the normal routine of living, with a few interesting sparkles. One of those was our first concert at the Philharmonie. Will has been assigned to write that post, so you should see it sometime in 2017.

The first weekend in February was the annual wine fest. Frankly, much hasn’t changed since 2011 – I visited most of the same houses, although this time with some new friends. I did try to restrain my exuberance, after two years of over-purchasing. I would say I was moderately successful. I’m now looking into wine tracking apps for my iPad, because the whole thing has really gotten out of hand. Clearly, an inventory system is needed to calm my accountant’s heart.

Yes, I have too much wine. But it’s so inexpensive and so good!

The second week in February we did something we’ve never done before – we took a trip across the pond to see some of our family in the middle of winter. As a celebration of a special birthday, the Bakker children met up with their parents for a few days’ holiday. It was nice to see everyone in a relaxed environment, outside of normal life. In addition, we were able to see some of my family at their winter home, which was an added bonus. It was great to relax for a few days.

The sunsets were tremendous.

Happily, in the middle of February the local paper declared the end of winter. I can’t say I disagree with them, because I am seeing some major signs of spring, including daffodils and itchy eyes. My allergies have really kicked into gear this last week, so I know that we are headed out of the winter season into the painful beauty of spring.

While I’m not as good as Will about finding pretty things for you to look at, I did come up with a few. For your enjoyment:

[Editor’s note: orchids are very popular in Luxembourg. We should probably do a post on that.

[Author’s note: I’m publishing this post all by myself (well, actually with Rachel’s help) because Will is in Washington DC, changing the world. I’ll see what I can do about getting him to post about that before the next U.S. Presidential election.]

To our friends and family in the Midwest, we wish you the end of winter as soon as possible!

5 Comments to “Random Happenings”

  1. Deb Beeson said...
    3 March 2014

    So glad you were able to spend time in the States with family. And YES we would love to winter to be over. But alas, here we are with another approx 2 inches of snow and below zero temps! Come Friday the temps should be up to 40’s.

    Jim and I are doing okay. We do keep busy and we are also watching a toddler for friends. She is with us 3 to 4 days a week. We are very tired but we are happy. Peyton is a doll!

    Hope you are doing well with work. Is Will teaching? Any idea how long you will be in Luxembourg?

    We do think about you so often. Take care and we do love you!

  2. Dave said...
    4 March 2014

    I think instead of a computer program, you need a full time sommelier. That way, you can always be sure to get the right pairings.

  3. Rachel said...
    5 March 2014

    Great update! I’d definitely be interested about reading orchids, especially some tips on their care, if you decide to write about it.

  4. keely said...
    5 March 2014

    I think you just need to up your wine consumption :) Clearly, you need my assistance…

  5. Anonymous said...
    10 March 2014

    Conclusions I came to while reading this post…
    – Keely is long overdue for a Bakker Bugle B&B trip
    – it will likely be early June before I will be able to replicate any of the green in the pictures here
    – the chair on the beach looks lonely without me sitting in it
    – Will should consider hiring Rachel as his ghost writer here (not that she doesn’t have a super cute little topic of her own to write about on her own plot of internet)