Begging your patience

We beg your patience once again. It has been a busy month at the BBB&B.

Incidentally, we have a new policy regarding maximum occupancy at the BBB&B. Without prior arrangements, we can accommodate two (2) adult guests at one time. Children under a parent’s care do not count against this limit. Any pet over 30 kg — whether horse, dog, cat or honey badger — counts as two (2) adult guests.

In the near future, the Bugle will celebrate Halloween, visit an ancient spa in the southeast of Luxembourg, and taste test the baked goods of many lands and most prominently the Low Countries.

In the meantime, we’ll offer a special bonus for past BBB&B guests who can identify the location of each of the photos below!

4 Comments to “Begging your patience”

  1. Theodora said...
    21 October 2011

    to start – i apologize to all future BBB&B visitors for contributing to the need to establish capacity limits….but i did have a fabulous time….
    here’s my try at the pictures:
    1. Kinderdijk
    2. Place de Guillaume – Luxembourg ville
    3. Mosel valley???
    4. caves of St. Martin – Luxembourg – Mosel valley appellation
    5-7. the grapes of the st. martin winery – luxembourg, Mosel valley appellation.
    8-9. Chicago
    10. Frankfurt?
    11. Avenue Marie-Therese, Luxembourg ville.
    12. by the golden lady, luxembourg ville.
    13. Hana – she’s big enough to count as a location, right? luxembourg, ville
    14. Looking into the Grund, Luxembourg ville.
    15-16. Brussels – Grand place
    17-20. Casemates, Luxembourg ville
    21-22. near the Nemo museum and the Angeline-houseboat extraordinaire, Amsterdam.
    23-24. Inside the new library in Amsterdam.
    25. Bike parking lot near centraal station amsterdam
    26. canal in amsterdam (i realize that doesn’t narrow it down much).
    27-28. near the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam
    29-30. canal in amsterdam (but different from 26…)
    31-32. near the Nemo museum and the Angeline-houseboat extraordinaire, Amsterdam
    33-35. at or near Scott’s pub in the Grund, Luxembourg ville.
    36-37. views from the Wenzel walk, Luxembourg ville.

  2. Dave said...
    24 October 2011

    Since Teresa did such an awesome job, and BBB prizes usually do not involve a material award, I was going to refrain from entering… But then I remembered I once won this:

    So I submit Teresa’s entry, with the following changes:
    3. Seduisez Georges.
    10. Luxembourg – Assuming that Kommunistische Partei Luxemburgs isn’t big in Frankfort

  3. Laurie said...
    24 October 2011

    Anything with a bike in it is Amsterdam (incidentally, why no riot pictures?!).

    Also, would love to know how you captured James Gruber selling Light-SAP in that 2nd picture…

  4. Doug said...
    24 October 2011

    All photos: a place where Will or Anita have been……….can you say Winner! :)

    All very cool photos.