Happy Daffodil Day! In Ireland, March Seventh is Daffodil Day in Ireland. It’s a day designated by the Irish Cancer Society to donate funds to support cancer research and services to those who are affected by cancer. Several Anglophone cancer societies use the daffodil as an official symbol, including the American Cancer Society. (In Chicago, Daffodil Days begin on St Patrick’s Day.)
As in the US, the Irish Cancer Society employs Jarvisian skill in PR, bring the government, the media and practically all mainstream institutions on board.
The daffodil is also the national flower of Wales. In a neat coincidence, the national rugby team of Wales visits Croke Park in Dublin tomorrow. At this point in the Six Nations Tournament, Ireland is one of three national teams tied for second place behind Wales. So, on the day before one of the biggest matches of the year for Irish rugby, thousands of Irish fans are wearing a symbol of the opposing team. Nice!
Finally, on a personal note, I’ve wondered for weeks whether any daffodils are poking their heads above ground in the Midwest. I’ve seen them around Dublin for weeks. The photo above was taken on February 18th. Do you see daffodils where you are? Let me know in the comments.
3 Comments to “Happy Daffodil Day”
7 March 2008
One more thing about Daffodil Day: It marks, roughly, one year of our relationship with Ireland. On the first day of our visit in 2007 to find a place to live in Dublin, we saw the daffodil folks on the street. We found out about the cancer-related designation the next day, from the wonderful woman who helped us find our home.
8 March 2008
If only we were seeing daffodils in Chicago… The harsh reality is that the weather forecasters are predicting 1-2 inches of snow tomorrow with possibly more snow on Sunday. Fun!
13 March 2008
I am sooooo jealous!! I wish we had daffodils, or flowers of ANY kind. Snow is slowly melting…