Commenter of the Fortnight

In order to keep our levels of service at the excellent levels that our customers expect, it has been decided that commenters to the Bakker Bugle Blog will be honored on a fortnightly basis. This decision is not related to the health of the Bugle brand, and it is not a reflection of the quality of comments provided by our comment-vendors. Our customers, investors, and stake-holders can continue to expect the quality that the Bugle name implies.

The Commenter of this Fortnight is Dave! In addition to his consistent series of comments, Dave applied knowledge from this blog in the world. Given the level of frivolity here, we are quite impressed. Dave also played a shadowy role in elevating the ranking of this blog, which befits the winner of a spy-themed trophy.

To celebrate Dave’s third win, the Bakker Bugle secured naming rights to one of the most prominent ruins in the Dublin area:Dave Chimney the Lead Mines Chimney in Carrickgollogan. The Chimney is near Stepaside and Enniskerry, two lovely towns just outside Dublin.

The Chimney is not as old as it appears, but it is extraordinary in ways that do not depend on age. The Chimney capped the longest brick-built flue in the world. The flue runs down the hill to the lead works in the Carrickgollogan valley. The flue looks like a low stone wall running west from the chimney. The Chimney is just one of the highlights of the B.B. B&B’s premium Walk in the Mountains.

As soon as the legal niceties are complete, this monument will be known as the Dave the Quality Commenter Ballycorus Lead Mines Chimney of Carrickgollogan Ireland, and any American corporations referring to the monument will use its full name. In the meantime, the authorities have kindly begun the brand-badging of the monument itself, as you can see here. (You can see more photos in the Flickr set devoted to Dave’s Chimney.)

We didn’t spray-paint “Dave” on that rock, of course. We found it that way when we explored the Chimney with Cindy, and we’ve been looking for an occasion to post it ever since.

1 Comment to “Commenter of the Fortnight”

  1. Dave said...
    15 October 2007

    I’ve always wanted my own chimney! Thanks, Bugle!

    I find that there are plenty of ways to apply knowledge from this blog to the world. Not only can I critize the writing of TV-Shows, I also know the basic rules to Gaelic football, and to avoid Heathrow whenever possible…