The staff are eager to develop a multimedia aspect to the Bakker Bugle. Here’s their first experience: Part One of the story of Will following the Olympic Torch through Paris.
This is a Quicktime movie, so there may be technical snags. Please let us know, in the comments, if you have trouble. Also, you may need to press your space-key to move to the next “slide” at some points.
Click here to experience Will’s morning in Paris as he follows the course for the Olympic Torch.
6 Comments to “The Torch in Paris: An Experiment”
25 April 2008
Okay, it looks like “a company” doesn’t play well with Quicktime. You can look for a format that is acceptable to a company in the near future. Good grief!
In the meantime, this should work from any computer that isn’t set up by the fearful IT personnel of a company. And Mac users, go to town!
27 April 2008
we’d like to keep up with you guys are doing. the pictures of France are beautiful and make me jealous. you should become travel agents for Europe!
write back!
love to ya–
27 April 2008
Will, if what you are trying to show me is a green square in the middle of my browser, good work! Very avant-garde… I always thought of France as dark blue, french blue if I may call it that…. Blue conveys importance and confidence without being somber or sinister. I feel that this is an accurate portrayal of France (at least in the mind of a Frenchman.) The color green denotes balance, harmony, and stability. I’ve never thought of France as a harmonious, stable society. I typically think of the guillotine and class battles between the haves and have nots… However, your green square has taught me that my thinking is completely wrong, and that I am stuck in the 18th century…
Either that, or my Quicktime plug in didn’t work. Its one or the other. I apologize for not upgrading to mozilla, firefox, or safari, or whatever browser you would like me to use. If you give me $1,500, I’ll buy a mac for my next computer.
28 April 2008
i’ll have to check it out tonight from home!! (love my mac!!! – thanks will for the advice)
28 April 2008
Dave, we’ll send you twenty euro.

Wait a few more months and that should get you that new mac (in the US, at least).
29 April 2008
That should just about do it. Thanks, Will!