Our stuff arrived!

Our shipment of stuff from the States arrived this morning! This is the shipment that went by sea. It was unloaded in less than two hours, by two young men and their supervisor. They seemed to find it unusual that all I wanted was to have the boxes arranged in piles around the house. Now it’s like Christmas, with all the unwrapping, and the many surprises. We have so much stuff!

Anita and I haven’t had much trouble with daily life over the past few weeks. Each of us has a few things that we missed, but not much. So it seems odd to bring so much into our lives.

But with every box I’ve opened, I’ve found things that will make our lives easier. I’m sure it will reach the point where the problems with storing the stuff outweigh the conveniences of having it. I’ll probably reach that point before the end of today!

(I don’t think I’ve ever used this many exclamation points. It’s a little embarassing…but accurate, so I’ll leave them in.)

3 Comments to “Our stuff arrived!”

  1. Keely said...
    25 June 2007

    There is nothing wrong with exclamation points!! I know how excited Anita was on Friday that your STUFF

  2. Keely said...
    25 June 2007

    (oops) it posted when I pressed the caps lock, at least I think that’s what happened, but I digress… that your STUFF was being delivered today, and now she’s reading your blog from the mtg she’s in. oh my. have fun unpacking!!

  3. Laurie said...
    29 June 2007

    It reads just like a Peanuts comic strip! You know, the one where Lucy learns punctuation! Enjoy your new-found, old stuff! Catch ya later! :) lm