A snowflake, in Dublin, in October

As the leaves start changing here in Dublin, another sure sign of the approaching winter arrived: the first “snowflake” in the car. The car has a nice feature – on the dashboard it tells you the outside temperature. Being that it is an Irish car, it reports the temperature in degrees Celsius. I have grown accustomed to that over the last year.

What I can’t grow accustomed to is the “snowflake” warning: when the temperature gets to about 5 degrees, I get a little snowflake next to the temperature reading. I assume this is to help me understand that it is cold, and that it could snow or there could be other cold related hazards on the road surface. In theory, that’s nice. However, I’m not sure I appreciate my car thinking I’m a moron.

Since I saw the snowflake last week, it’s been warmer in Dublin. I’ll try to remember to snap a picture the next time I see the warning. In the meantime, Will found a photo of a close cousin of my car’s dashboard on jiazi’s Flickr photos. Thanks, jiazi:

If you can’t wait to see the snowflake, here are two photos of something very close to what I see: