
Have you noticed the poll on the right side of this blog? Our intention is to find out what you think about various ideas for blog entries and changes to our photos on flickr or the main Bakker Bugle website.

Each poll will be open for about a week. It’s true that the internet is rife with foolish little polls, but we’ll give it a try anyway. So vote! It’s totally anonymous and really easy to do.

4 Comments to “Polls?”

  1. Dave said...
    19 October 2007

    I believe that this poll is inherently flawed. You’re rigging the results by having a poll question that asks if you’ll participate in poll questions. Of course the results will be 100% Yes, Sometimes, or Only when they’re interesting, because the people that will not participate in polls won’t click No.

    I demand a recount. (Although I said “Yes” and I think Polls are a great idea)

  2. Will said...
    19 October 2007

    Looks like somebody did vote “No.” No need for a recount!

    A famous quote from the history of philosophy seems apt at this point. Here’s Boswell on Samuel Johnson:
    After we came out of the church, we stood talking for some time together of Bishop Berkeley’s ingenious sophistry to prove the nonexistence of matter, and that every thing in the universe is merely ideal. I observed, that though we are satisfied his doctrine is not true, it is impossible to refute it. I never shall forget the alacrity with which Johnson answered, striking his foot with mighty force against a large stone, till he rebounded from it — “I refute it thus.”

  3. Keely said...
    19 October 2007

    i was just wondering if i could change my vote.

  4. Sharon said...
    22 October 2007

    I was just wondering if I could vote early & often – like a true chicagoan (even though I live in the far north burbs & I’m not dead) –