Bakker Bugle
in Dublin
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- Bakker Bugle : Front Page
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Are you up to date? The last change to the website (other than the blog) was 3 Aug 2007, in the Visit Ireland Section.
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Welcome to the Bakker Bugle Online
1 August 2007
The staff of the exclusive and fashionable B.B. Annual Review are now devoted to creating the best source of information about Dublin, Ireland (assuming you care about Will and Anita Bakker). The Bakker Bugle is ready to become part of your internet routine, with our regularly updated blog, feature stories, photo galleries, and other craic.
When you visit the front page of the Bakker Bugle (this page), you'll find an article like this one, with a date to let you know when it was originally published. If you want the latest stories, you should follow the Bugle Blog.
You'll also find an overview of the various Sections of the Bakker Bugle, just like the overview below. Explore the Bugle website -- there's already a lot to find! The Bugle staff have a long list of ideas for additions, and they're working hard to meet the extraordinary standards set by the original Bakker Bugle Annual Review.
The Sections of the Bakker Bugle
The main divisions of the Bakker Bugle are also the names listed, in black and white, at the top right of each page on the website. Look at the top of this page. Just beneath the banner, in the black bar across the page, you'll see links corresponding to each section.
The Bakker Bugle Blog is the Breaking News section of the Bakker Bugle. The style of the articles is casual, the journalistic standards are lax, and we let the riffraff comment at all. Despite all this, it's the best way to learn about the Bakkers's day-to-day life.
Reading is hard work, and barely worth the effort. Pictures are pretty and let you feel like you know what's going on, without actually learning anything new or disturbing. This section is the best way to see, rather than imagine, the Bakker news. Among the content in this section, you'll find a link to the massively popular and award-winning Bugle Flickr Collection.
Visit Ireland
You can depend on the Bakker Bugle's dedicated travel writers to help you plan your visit to the Bakker Bugle Bed and Breakfast. This section will grow quickly in the next few months, in preparation for the tourist season, which generally runs from January 3rd to December 2nd. But you'll already find a wealth of Bugle-Approved™ links to websites that are inferior but may provide some useful information.
We are the Best-In-Class Website of 2007 for Responsiveness to Users and for User-Driven Content, according to El-Gub Analytics. The reason why? Our dynamic, collaborative, client-oriented feedback form. Try it yourself, and see why we're Number One. You may even be honored to contribute to the Best Bakker-Related Website of 2005.